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Entry 12: Smart Builder Courseware and quiz

Hello all 🙌🙌🙌

Miss me? 😋 hehe. Hope all of you had a wonderful day. For this week, we still focusing on our Courseware project where we all struggling to finish it. I had finished with my Smart Builder Courseware exercise and the only thing left was the report. So this report i finished it as fast as i could because i only did this on power point.

These are some of the examples of the report that i have made.

For the report, in total i have made 11 pages of the exercises. It was lot more easier than doing the courseware. I felt so relieved after finished all the assignment but i forgot about the quiz. So is studied only 1 day for the quiz. i slept for 3 hours only because i was so worried about the test. Alhamdulillah all went well and i still can remembered everything clearly 😵😵😵 

By the way, this is the link for my Smart Builder Courseware link:

Thank you for reading, xoxo 💓💓


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