Hello everyone. As all of us known that this will be my last entry. I really enjoying myself writing in this wonderful blog. I've gain a lot of knowledge from this subject on Powtoon, Canva and Smart Bulder. Not only that, about computer also 😂😂😂😂 Thank you Madam for giving me the opportunity to write this blog. Thank you for always be patient with me. i know sometimes i will become annoying, clueless or anything. I am so sorry for all my wrong doings towards you madam. Your name will always be in my prayers. wishing the best for you and your family. Thank you also for Along who is a mad genius that taught me a lot about IT. Not to forget, thanks to Balqis and kak nor who helped me a lot through this semester. But do not worry, all of you will still be seeing me for the next semester. Happy holidays youall. see you all in the finals and next semester. ❤❤ Bye for now. xoxo 😍😍
Hello all 🙌🙌🙌 Miss me? 😋 hehe. Hope all of you had a wonderful day. For this week, we still focusing on our Courseware project where we all struggling to finish it. I had finished with my Smart Builder Courseware exercise and the only thing left was the report. So this report i finished it as fast as i could because i only did this on power point. These are some of the examples of the report that i have made. For the report, in total i have made 11 pages of the exercises. It was lot more easier than doing the courseware. I felt so relieved after finished all the assignment but i forgot about the quiz. So is studied only 1 day for the quiz. i slept for 3 hours only because i was so worried about the test. Alhamdulillah all went well and i still can remembered everything clearly 😵😵😵 By the way, this is the link for my Smart Builder Courseware link: https://lrs.smartbuilder.com/lrs/lesson/184130305/index.htm Thank you for reading, xoxo 💓💓