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Entry 13 : Last Entry

Hello everyone. As all of us known that this will be my last entry. I really enjoying myself writing in this wonderful blog. I've gain a lot of knowledge from this subject on Powtoon, Canva and Smart Bulder. Not only that, about computer also 😂😂😂😂 Thank you Madam for giving me the opportunity to write this blog. Thank you for always be patient with me. i know sometimes i will become annoying, clueless or anything. I am so sorry for all my wrong doings towards you madam. Your name will always be in my prayers. wishing the best for you and your family. Thank you also for Along who is a mad genius that taught me a lot about IT. Not to forget, thanks to Balqis and kak nor who helped me a lot through this semester. But do not worry, all of you will still be seeing me for the next semester. Happy holidays youall. see you all in the finals and next semester. ❤❤ Bye for now. xoxo 😍😍
Recent posts

Entry 12: Smart Builder Courseware and quiz

Hello all 🙌🙌🙌 Miss me? 😋 hehe. Hope all of you had a wonderful day. For this week, we still focusing on our Courseware project where we all struggling to finish it. I had finished with my Smart Builder Courseware exercise and the only thing left was the report. So this report i finished it as fast as i could because i only did this on power point. These are some of the examples of the report that i have made. For the report, in total i have made 11 pages of the exercises. It was lot more easier than doing the courseware. I felt so relieved after finished all the assignment but i forgot about the quiz. So is studied only 1 day for the quiz. i slept for 3 hours only because i was so worried about the test. Alhamdulillah all went well and i still can remembered everything clearly 😵😵😵  By the way, this is the link for my Smart Builder Courseware link: Thank you for reading, xoxo 💓💓

Entry 11: Smart Builder Courseware

 Hello everyone !!!! 😎😎 It is me again, Aisyah. Hope all of you will be happy reading my blog. For this week, Madam just let us do our Courseware work. Along, kak nor, Balqis and i had a discussion on what topic we want, the lesson, activity and the activities. After finished discussing about the the courseware, we then divided the work. kak long got to do the lesson, kak nor will do the activities and report, Balqis will do the compilation and report and i will do the exercises and the report. This are some of the examples for the exercises that i have done. Our theme is Under the sea. we decided to use the cartoon characters in Nemo movie because it is so cute and for standard 3 students, we think that they will like it and have watched the movie.  I admitted that making these exercises made me become more patient than before. It took me a lot of time and some times the cast is not working so i have to do it all over gain. But i managed to do it...

Entry 10: Smart builder & Courseware

Hello everyone. 😁😁 welcome to my blog again. For this week, we still be learning about Smart Builder. This week, we learned about how to add a music or sound and how to make another page connect to the other pages. For the music, it was so simple and we can choose either to make it play by it own or we will click the button to make it play. This the examples of what i had learned on how to add the music. This was the easiest thing. Then, for this week, we learned about how to connect one page to the other different pages by using button or hotspot. I really like this Smart Builder. This are the examples for my exercise doing class.  In the class, i was one of the fastest people that understand and finish the exercises that Madam azi gave to us. The funny part is when Madam Azi asked the class for whoever had finish raised up their hands. So i raised up my hand but Madam asked me to put down my hand and i was shocked. Then along said that i h...

Entry 9 : Smart Builder

Hello everyone. Welcome to my blog again 😍😍😍 For this week, we just do a bit of a recap for last week exercise. For us of course sometimes we already forgot what we have learned right? but i still remember everything clearly. Madam Azi introduced us to a new thing called Hotspot. Basically, Hotspot is just like button but we will make it cooler by not using the button but hotspot. This is an example of the hospot i have made. Actually, i think it is not that hard. we just need to explore and know the sequence. But it is a bit annoying when it stop functioning or we just accidentally pressed some buttons and make it worst. This is another example of my Hotspot. Then, after we finished doing the hotspot it will become like this. It is cute isn't it ? you guys should try it on. I cannot wait to learn for a new thing next week.  see you guys soon, xoxo👄👄

entry 8 : Canva and Smart Builder

Hello everyone 👀 I am here again. For this week, we have learned about Canva. As all of you know that i did not know about IT so much. When Madam Azi asked the class about Canva, I am the first one who raised my hand and said that i did not know anything about it. My first impression about this Canva was "i can do a lot of posters with this" 😁😁😁😁😁😁  hehehe. so i tried to use this canva to do my club poster. Genius right ? This is the poster. Canva has saved my life and out of all the IT thingy i will always use canva for my further poster or advertisement for my Usahawan club. We can do a lot more with canva. It was so easy and got lot of choices for the background and more. After we learned about canva, Madam Azi introduced us with Smart Builder. This is something new for me too. I am so amazed with this Smart Builder because we can do like our own lessons and exercises seems like our own website. For Smart Builder this week we have lea...

Entry 7: Powtoon Assignment

Hello girls. How are you? Ok now, let's start. As all of you known that last week we have learned about Powtoon right? It is fun right ? yessss and as we all know, when our lecturer introduce something to us, that means that we have an assignment related to that topic 😂😂😂😂😂 funny right ? Alright now i want to share with all of you about my powtoon assignment experience.  For this assignment, me and another 3 of my groupmates, Balqis, along and kak nor a'ready divided our task. my task is for the introduction and the closing for this powtoon assignment. First of all, we need to record our voice for the video. I recorded many times because it hard for me to get it done with just one go but i managed to do it. Then we proceed to the powtoon videoThis is some of the examples of what i had done for the assignment.   Aftter we consult with madam, we need to add a few changes because kak nor's voice was so slow, kak long and i was talking do sl...