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Entry 2 : Evolution of Call and Search Engines

welcome to my Blog again guys 👀

So for this week we will continue what CALL is. For this week, we learned about the evolution of CALL. 

Basically this is not call of duty 👆. haha. it is how CALL where made of. There are 3 progression of call.

For the first one, about the behaviouristic call, from my opinion it is more to behavior. First i thought that maybe computer have their own behavior? is it? 👽 but it is for the ultimate teachers aid. students can learn with the help of computer but in the end they will become passive. yes the computer can answer the questions either it is correct or wrong but the computer cannot judge the students. so i think that we just have to make the computer as our helper not our main source of studying.

For the second one is communicative call. It is focused on the usage of the language rather that grammar. it also allow the students to generate their own original utterance. Again, computer just gives the guidance but not the judgement. it still cannot judge you but is is a greater students involvement. so it can help a lot.

Third one is integrated call. its include both interactive and non- interactive media. i think this is the coolest one because its connects to the internet. yeay ! finally we have an internet 👰. The most important is that we do not have to gone trough all this hardship. Thanks for everyone that makes our live simple and easy to have this kind of medium ❤

For the next class we learned about a search engines. we nowadays always use Google or Yahoo to search something right? Don't you know that they are a search engines? Basically it is a place where you can search anything. my lecturer also taught us many various of search engines. I never know of all of this before. The most interesting is this:

Now i know that we have 3 stages of web. The first one is we always search like Google and so on. the second one is deep web is we need to have a password but the last one is the Dark web. Only the hackers know. It is so interesting. I know a friend that can hack this dark web but if i asked her to teach me, what can i do with it? hahah. i guess that is not beneficial for me.

That's it for today. Bye for now 🙋
